Model for Ocean-laNd-Atmosphere PredictioN

MONAN (Model for Ocean-laNd-Atmosphere PredictioN) is a community model of the Unified Earth System that has as its main objective, as its name already refers, to be a numerical model that covers all scales, geographical and temporal, of the entire Earth system and its implications. It is "community" because it aggregates efforts from several brazilian national institutions such as universities, research centers, operational centers and various authorities in the area of meteorology, environment, oceans and others. It also can receive support from international centers and universities as well as support from the private sector.

The MONAN Model is managed by a scientific committee appointed by INPE's director and has its initial version structure (0.1.0) based on the dynamic core of the MPAS 8.0.1 Model. part of the physics used by MONAN is obtained from the MPAS model and another part obtained from other sources or developed by the community. The MPAS model can be found at the link GitHub, MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model: Repository for MPAS models and shared framework releases.

Get Started


The first step is to create a fork of the MONAN-Model repository. Please see the procedure by clicking in the icon above.

Egeon Cluster (INPE)

This manual describes a quick procedure for the developer to compile and run MONAN (currently pure MPAS 8.0.1 code) in the Egeon Cluster environment (INPE). Please see the manual by clicking in the icon above.


  • Relatório Técnico: Perspectivas da Modelagem Numérica dos processos de microfísica de nuvens no Brasil e suas aplicações no modelo comunitário MONAN. Kubota, Paulo Yoshio; Gutierrez, Enver Manuel Amador Ramirez; Rivero, Silvio Nilo Figueroa; Manco, Jhonatan Andres Aguirre; Gomes, Jorge Luis; Bonatti, José Paulo; Chan, Chou Sin; Freitas, Saulo Ribeiro; Souza, Dayana Castilho e Lima, Isabella Talamoni. INPE, São José dos Campos, 2023. Acesso aqui
  • Model for Ocean-laNd-Atmosphere predictioN (MONAN): Avaliação dos candidatos ao núcleo dinâmico do componente atmosférico (MONAN-ATM) – Recomendação ao Comitê Científico do MONAN. Freitas, S. R. INPE, São José dos Campos, 2023. Acesso aqui


  • 1° Workshop
  • Data: 2 a 3 Outubro 2023.
    Local: Auditório CPTEC.
    Nota: 1° Workshop Interno da DIMNT para início dos trabalhos com o MONAN-ATM/SFC.
    Agenda e Apresentações: Link


Main Office
National Institute for Space Research - INPE
General-Coordination of Earth System Science - CGCT
Division for Earth System Numerical Modeling - DIMNT
Rodovia Presidente Dutra Km 40
Cachoeira Paulista - Sao Paulo
CEP 12630-000
GitHub Discussions
MONAN-Model Discussions